Street Children Program

Street Children Program:

It is a fact that many of the street children who have run away from home have done so because they were either beaten or sexually abused.
Tragically, their homelessness can lead to further abuse through exploitative child labour and prostitution.

Not only does abuse rob runaway children of their material security, but it also leaves them emotionally scarred for life.
Many of them are traumatized and even some refuse to speak for months.
Often the children feel guilty and blame themselves for their mistreatment.
Such damage can take years to recover from in even the most loving of environments; on the streets it may never heal.

These are children picked up on the streets and now they are living in a boarding and are attending to school.

One can see that their life is changing.
The loving environment provided by the diocese of Tuticorin, in a place called Adaikalapuram is transforming these little lives.
Love & Care Mission is supporting these children in their education.

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